State legislature doesn’t plan on requiring masks during 2021 session


Iowa Republican leaders say the 2021 session will start on time next week.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette reports that while public health experts warn that the coronavirus pandemic may be seeing its deadliest days, the Republicans, who have the majority in both the state House and Senate, plan on conducting their business in-person.

They also ruled out delaying Monday’s start date and don’t plan on requiring masks in the Capitol building, a prospect that Democratic Senate Minority Leader Zach Wahls calls “pretty scary.”

However, much like the June 2020 session, legislators will be holding some committee meetings in the chambers where there is more room. They will also reduce the number of individuals in the House and Senate chambers.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver told the paper that they want this session to operate as normally as possible and with enough transparency so that everyone in the state can watch. Contingencies are being put in place to operate in a more virtual setting if needed.

Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City says it’s almost impossible to socially distance at the Capitol and suggests that the first few weeks of the session be held virtually.