UI student COVID cases down as finals week wraps up


COVID-19 cases continue to fall among students on the University of Iowa campus as finals week comes to an end.

That’s according to the latest COVID-19 update released by the school on Friday, the last day of finals week. The latest numbers show only three new COVID-19 cases reported among UI students since Wednesday and six employee cases. That’s down significantly from 16 student cases during the same timeframe last week, but up from three employee cases.

Since the start of the fall semester, 2,799 students and 327 staffers have reported testing positive for COVID-19.

Zero residence hall occupants are currently under quarantine and two are in self-isolation. Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others, while self-isolation is used to separate people infected with the virus from people who are not infected.

Pandemic updates from the university can be found at coronavirus.uiowa.edu. The next update is set to be released on Monday.