Hills man arrested for OWI after flagging down officer regarding possible traffic violation


Allegedly flagging down an Iowa City police officer to inquire whether he had committed a traffic violation while intoxicated led to his first OWI charge.

Police say the incident occurred Monday during the noon hour at the Robert A Lee Recreation Center parking lot. 20-year-old Dylan Vedepo was reportedly trying to exit the lot, but from the wrong direction, causing the officer to have to drive around and take a different entrance. As the officer entered the lot, he noticed Vedepo driving behind him and parking. The officer turned his vehicle around and as he drove by Vedepo, he allegedly flagged him down and asked if he’d committed a traffic offense. The officer explained that because it was on private property he couldn’t be charged, but to avoid doing it in the future.

The officer then noticed signs of intoxication, with Vedepo reportedly having bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech, impaired decision making, dilated pupils and slow response to questions. The officer reported the odor of ingested alcohol later. Field tests were conducted showing impairment, and he gave a breath sample showing his blood-alcohol level at .118 percent.

Vedepo was taken into custody and charged with his first OWI, a serious misdemeanor.