(City of Coralville news release)
CORALVILLE—Coralville Mayor John A. Lundell today issued a proclamation requiring that persons wear
a face covering that covers the nose and mouth when in a public place and one cannot stay six feet away
from others. Public places include but are not limited to grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores,
retail stores, and public transportation.
Exemptions from the order are included for certain populations and activities. A complete copy of the
proclamation is available at www.coralville.org.
“As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate across the state including in our community, the
Coralville City Council and I believe that it is critical to take this step requiring the wearing of masks
when in public. Scientific evidence clearly indicates that mask wearing is the most effective method for
curbing the spread of this virus until a vaccine or other measures are developed. The Council and I
appreciate the cooperation of our citizens, visitors, and businesses as we do our part to avoid spreading
the virus,” said Mayor Lundell.