County auditors start count of absentee ballots today


Today’s the day Iowa’s county auditors get to start tabulating absentee and early voting ballots.

In a release from the State Association of County Auditors, president and Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz said that Saturday, auditors were able to begin the process of reviewing and opening absentee ballot envelopes. The auditors now have 46 hours to tabulate the early ballots.

Johnson County Auditor Travis Weipert told KCJJ last week that when the polls close, they will wait for precincts to report, but will have the early voting results ready to post right away. State law requires absentee ballot results to be released within an hour of polls closing, barring any unexpected equipment errors.

Moritz said the COVID-19 pandemic and record early voting are among the unprecedented challenges facing auditors in the state, but she added that they “are positioned to deliver this Election in the same manner as they have for years; providing all citizens of Iowa a safe, fair, timely and accurate election.”

Residents have until 5pm today to vote early, at the parking ramp north of the County Building on Dubuque Street. Entrance is on the Clinton Street side. Dropboxes will be available until polls close Tuesday night; they’re located on the south side of the County building.

To check the location of your polling place, go to

Finally, remember that you can register to vote on Election Day. You will have to provide proof of identification and proof of residency, or have someone registered to vote in your precinct who can attest for you. A list of acceptable forms of ID and residency is available at