Two more Greek houses suspended by UI for COVID-19 violations


Two more Greek organizations have been suspended by the University of Iowa for violating the school’s COVID-19 safety guidelines.

According to the UI Office of Student Accountability, Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity allegedly hosted parties on August 21st-22nd, August 28th-30th, September 2nd and September 4th-6th.  Witnesses told university investigators that at least 25-30 people attended each of the parties, including female guests carrying drinks and playing drinking games. Neighbors reported trash in the yard, including red Solo cups, empty beer cans, empty cases of beer and empty Hawkeye Vodka bottles.

Fraternity representatives told the university they were surprised by the allegations because they don’t actually live at the North Dubuque Street facility. They also claimed that drinking games observed by a neighbor were done with water, not alcohol. But they did admit they had not been wearing masks or social distancing while in the backyard, although they claimed it was while doing yardwork.

Sigma Phi Epsilon is suspended from hosting or co-hosting events this fall. It must also post a pro-mask message on social media and hold a PPE drive, and members must conduct educational programs on responsible alcohol use and COVID-19 safety.

The Pi Beta Phi sorority was cited for members attending a September 17th party at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. The sorority was put on probation until May 14th, and like Sigma Phi Epsilon, is banned from hosting events this fall and must conduct educational programs on responsible alcohol use and COVID-19 safety.

Pi Kappa Alpha is still under temporary suspension as the investigation continues. Five other Greek organizations were also suspended last week pending other, separate COVID-19 safety violation investigations. Last month four sororities were sanctioned and forced to post pro-mask messages on social media and hold PPE drives.

The Pi Kappa Phi fraternity was recently removed from its interim suspension. According to The Daily Iowan, school officials received a report on September 24th that 20-30 people had been at the chapter’s house without social distancing or wearing masks. Chapter officials told the Office of Student Accountability that house residents were “surprised” when 15 women showed up that night. They claim it was a matter of too many invitations being extended or friends bringing friends. UI rules allow one guest per resident at Greek houses. Pi Kappa Phi has 17 members living at the Ellis Avenue facility.

Like the four sororities cited last month, the fraternity was forced to post a pro-mask message on social media and hold a PPE drive.