Trump to award Dan Gable Medal of Freedom amid fight to win Iowa


President Trump is pulling out all the stops as he tries to win a state he once thought he had in the bag: Iowa.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he was presenting the Medal of Freedom to Dan Gable. Trump’s decision to award one of the nation’s highest civilian honors to Gable comes during a tight race in a state in which Gable is a sports legend. He was a champion wrestler at Iowa State University, and as a coach, led the University of Iowa to 15 NCAA team titles. He also won the gold medal in the 1972 Olympics.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is awarded to people who have made exceptional contributions to the security or national interests of America, or to its culture or other significant endeavors. Trump has presented the award to several athletes during his nearly four years in office.

Gable joined Trump onstage at a Wednesday rally at the Des Moines Airport. The two stood several feet apart and used separate microphones, with Trump joking that the two should be closer together. Trump is recovering from a bout with COVID-19, and joked that he was no longer contagious when urging Gable to get closer.

Also at Wednesday’s rally, Trump claimed to be leading in the most recent poll he saw. But he said, “For me to only be up six, I’m a little bit concerned.” Multiple polls have shown a much closer race.

One awkward moment came when Trump complained that the national news covered floods in Iowa and the ensuing crop damage instead of his nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize. Video shows the crowd behind Trump looking confused when he made the statement, with a smattering of polite applause.

Trump added that if he doesn’t win Iowa, he will never come back.

Trump and Biden will have dueling town halls on national television tonight. KCJJ will carry Biden’s town hall, which replaces an originally-scheduled debate between the two, tonight starting at 7.