Polling shows a dead heat in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race between Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks and Democrat Rita Hart, and Thursday night’s debate showed the candidates agreeing on many issues but sparring over COVID-19 mitigation and health care.
The debate was hosted by KCRG TV and the Cedar Rapids Gazette.
Both candidates called the lack of a second round of federal stimulus disappointing, with Hart saying “we need this relief now.” Miller-Meeks said the second round of aid should include another Paycheck Protection Program, address unemployment, and facilitate food stamps to help those with food insecurity.
The Republican says she practices social distancing, wears a mask in public and sanitizes her hands, but doesn’t think other Iowans should be forced to do the same. Hart didn’t explicitly call for a mask mandate but urged Iowans to follow the science and quit making the mitigation efforts a political issue.
The candidates differed on rolling out a COVID 19 vaccine. Miller-Meeks said she would get one, but wouldn’t favor making it mandatory. Hart, on the other hand, said if it’s been cleared by medical efforts, a vaccine should be mandated.
A link to the video:
The candidates will debate again next Thursday.