Cedar Rapids school district officials have announced additional restrictions on football game attendance.
KCRG TV reports that on Tuesday, the district said that fan attendance at Kingston Stadium will be limited to 800 people per school, for a total of 1600. The adjustment was made after officials say about 2700 people attended games during the first week, and there was difficulty enforcing mitigation rules with so many people there.
Athletes playing in the games will get wristbands from the district, which they can distribute to family and friends. The wristbands will be required to enter the stadium, and admission fees will be taken.
The district says the number of wristbands given out will vary by school and number of team members; if there are extras, they will be available to students at the high schools. Priority will be given to seniors, and juniors will have second choice.
The same coronavirus mitigation measure, including seating , face masks and social distancing, will be in place.