Iowa ignores White House task force advice on virus response


A White House coronavirus task force has issued new recommendations for Iowa to mandate face masks and close bars in the state’s largest cities to slow the spread of COVID-19. But so far, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds hasn’t acted on those recommendations.

The Des Moines Register reports that the new recommendations were included in an Aug. 9th report from the task force. The task force’s leader, Dr. Deborah Birx, discussed the recommendations last week with Iowa’s state epidemiologist, Dr. Caitlin Pedati. The report also said bars should be closed, gyms should be closed or limited to 25% of capacity, and social gatherings should be limited to 25 or fewer people in 17 metro areas and 48 counties.

Last month the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division announced it would be cracking down on bars, restaurants and other food establishments that don’t follow social distancing and other protocols. Recent social media photos show packed bars in downtown Iowa City ever since University of Iowa students began returning to campus.