IC man arrested for racially motivated knife attack


An Iowa City man with a history of racially motivated attacks was arrested early Thursday after allegedly brandishing a knife at a black woman.

Police got a call just after 3am on reports that 68-year-old Ronal Rarey of Cross Park Place on Cross Park Avenue was intoxicated, acting verbally abusive and racist, and was refusing to leave the lobby.

The arriving officers located Rarey, who had a knife and was wrestling for control of it with a woman. He was arrested and denied assaulting the victim, but repeatedly referred to the victim as a “black bitch” and admitted calling her racial slurs.

The woman is a staffer at Cross Park Place. She told the officer that he became angry with her when she refused to get fast food for him. She accused Rarey of swinging at her. She pushed him away, at which point he withdrew the knife. She said she feared for her life during the assault.

The knife was determined to be seven inches long, and before brandishing it, Rarey reportedly had it concealed under his shirt and vest.

Rarey allegedly was noticeably intoxicated, with slurred speech, incoherent speech, bloodshot watery eyes, wavering balance, and the smell of ingested alcohol. He agreed to a post-arrest PBT but was unable to provide an adequate sample.

The woman was treated for superficial injuries to her hands. Rarey was also treated before being transported to the county jail.

A check of Iowa Courts shows over 90 separate incidents involving Rarey since 1998, and the arrest report indicated that he has a history of knife attacks based on or related to race.

Rarey is charged with assault using a dangerous weapon-violation of individual rights, carrying a concealed knife used in a crime, possession of a weapon while intoxicated, and interference with official acts. If convicted on the initial charges, Rarey could be sentenced to over 8 years in prison.

A no-contact order was requested between Rarey and the woman.