Cedar Rapids women arrested on forgery and burglary charges


Two Cedar Rapids women were taken into custody after allegedly passing a bad check to purchase over $1100 in merchandise from an Iowa City box store.

Police responded to Menards on Naples Avenue Wednesday at 2:49pm on reports of shoplifting and were told the suspects were being cooperative. Upon arrival, staff identified two women, 38-year-old Jessica Franklin and 38-year-old Devery Harris, as the two involved in the incident.

Staff told officers that the two attempted to use a fraudulent check to purchase $1149.95 in merchandise, and passed all points of sale after presenting the check. Staff then discovered the check’s imperfections, and located the two still on scene.

Franklin and Harris told police that they were given the check by an unknown male.

When notified that they were under arrest, Franklin is accused of taking a green baggy from her purse and attempting to conceal it in the rock garden where she was sitting. Officers saw what was happening and located the baggie soon after. The contents were identified as meth.

Franklin and Harris both face Forgery and 3rd Degree Burglary charges, while Franklin also faces  a Possession of a Controlled Substance charge. If convicted on all counts, Franklin could be sentenced to up to 8 years in prison; Harris, 7 years.