Local scam artist arrested on parole violation


A local man who had seven different convictions on theft charges has been taken to the Johnson County Jail after failing to adhere to the terms of his probation.

37-year-old Erhan Kraina was on probation after pleading guilty to an extortion charge and multiple counts of 3rd degree theft. He’s been accused of telling people he needed money to get his car fixed or out of impound, or needed to call a locksmith. He never paid the victims back and later admitted to spending the money on drugs.

All sentences were suspended and he was sentenced to two years of supervision and placement into Hope House on May 19th.  He reportedly violated his probation by using cocaine and threatening to kill himself and his mother this past March. He was taken back to jail and released the following month.

Kraina reportedly has had sporadic contact with his supervising agent since April 30th. The last contact was on June 2nd, and he was supposed to come in for an appointment the following day but didn’t show. Attempts to located Kraina since then had been unsuccessful, as his phone number was no longer in service.

Kraina was located and taken back to the Johnson County Jail Tuesday. He awaits a revocation hearing on July 27th. The original charges carry a total prison sentence of up to 13 years.