Residence contract at UI protects school from liability if students contact COVID 19


An updated housing contract for students living in University of Iowa residence halls contains protections on suits against the school should a student contact COVID-19.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette reports that the new contract that must be signed in order to live in one of the 10 residence halls on campus states, “University Housing and Dining strongly encourages all individuals to follow the recommended public health guidelines, but it cannot control the behavior of any particular individual. As a result, the University of Iowa is not and will not be liable for any public health threat to which a student or visitor may be exposed, including but not limited to the transmission of any infectious disease such as COVID-19.”

UI president Bruce Harreld intimated that there would be mandatory coronavirus testing in the residence halls, but no mention was made in the official fall plan. It does say that testing will be available for persons with symptoms of coronavirus and those who are in close contact with someone with a confirmed case.

Other changes include visitor restrictions to one at a time, face covering requirements, and social distancing in common areas.

Iowa, as well as the other two state universities, are ramping up cleaning and sanitation practices, spacing move-in times, and installing Plexiglass barriers where appropriate.

The Gazette reports that the UI has 1305 returning students and applications from 5356 new students for their available residence halls, but admit those numbers, as of June 1, are in flux.