Iowa City calls special city council meeting “in support of Black Lives Matter movement”


Iowa City mayor Bruce Teague has called a special city council meeting for this afternoon for what is described in a news release as “support of Black Lives Matter”.

Teague says in the release that “people are demanding answers…they are demanding change”, and that the city’s work towards that change should be done in public. He adds everyone is invited to be a part of the process.

The meeting comes amid protests over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. Demonstrators have marched through the city daily since June 1st.
Last Wednesday, the protesters were met with gas and flash-bang devices, which Teague condemned.

On Friday, the city of Iowa City and the University of Iowa issued a joint statement regarding policing policy..

On Saturday, Teague and the full city council joined with protesters at the Pentacrest to hear a list of demands from a group called the Iowa Freedom Riders. Protest leader Mazin Mohamedali publicly clashed with the city leaders, saying his group was “ready for war”. The next day Mohamedali was arrested and charged with Unlawful Assembly, Disorderly Conduct and a probation violation in connection with the June 3rd clash with police. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 60 days in jail.

Mohamedali is on probation after a 2nd Degree Robbery conviction in 2018 after he robbed the Mormon Trek Boulevard Kum & Go at knifepoint. That charge was pleaded down from 1st Degree Robbery.

Mohamedali is also awaiting trial on a felony drug charge from earlier this year.

Today’s meeting is set for 2:00 p.m. The meeting will be held via Zoom and be live-streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and the City Channel 4’s website.