Governor opens more businesses and activities starting next week


Governor Kim Reynolds announced Tuesday morning that the state will allow live bands to perform at bars and restaurants starting Thursday, and more businesses and activities will be allowed to resume starting Monday, June 1.

Her emergency proclamation is being extended through June 25th.

Reynolds previously announced that bars and other businesses that sell alcohol would be allowed to open Thursday, but she added that bands and other musical performers will be allowed at bars and restaurants on that date. Social distancing protocols must be implemented with members of the groups and the audience.

The governor also said parties of up to ten people would be permitted at restaurants and bars.

On June 1st, several other businesses and activities will be allowed again.

Speedways and racetracks, which already have had events, now can allow spectators in.

Outdoor ampitheaters and grandstands can hold live performances, and casinos get the green light to open as well.

Amusement parks, bowling alleys, pool halls and arcades can also reopen.

All businesses must operate at a maximum 50% capacity and must have public health and safety measures in place.

Reynolds also announced that social community, recreational leisure and sports gatherings of more than 10 people will be permitted again. But groups attending must maintain 6-feet of social distancing. Venues are limited to 50 percent of normal operating capacity and must follow social distancing and public health measures.

While good news for many Iowans, others may not be so happy.

Part of reopening the state includes lifting the ban on foreclosures and evictions. That takes effect at 11:59pm Wednesday.  The governor announced that she will be allocating funds received from the federal CARES Act to create a COVID-19 eviction and foreclosure  prevention program to be administered by the Iowa Finance Authority.

Reynolds said more information on the program would be available later this week.