The Johnson County Board of Supervisors is asking businesses not affected by the governor’s expanded declaration closing several retail businesses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to consider modifying operations to reduce the number of employees physically in the workplace. County officials say this will help create more effective social distancing for the safety of their employees, customers and the community.
Based on recommendations by Johnson County Public Health, the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Board of Supervisors strongly encourages allowing employees who can telework from home to do so, implementing staggered shifts and/or rotation of in-office staff, implementing flexible sick leave and supportive policies and practices, assessing essential functions and the reliance that the community has on the business’s services or products, establishing policies and practices for social distancing, performing additional environmental cleaning and disinfection, using videoconferencing when possible for work-related meetings and gatherings, and considering canceling, adjusting, or postponing work-related meetings or gatherings of more than ten people that can only occur in-person.