Table to Table suspends operations as need for volunteers grows

For the first time in 24 years, Table to Table has had to temporarily suspend operations as they have experienced a critical reduction in volunteers.
Last week, the non-profit asked volunteers at high risk for hospitalization as a result of COVID 19 infection to temporarily suspend their service. WIth the vast majority of volunteers being older individuals and University of Iowa students who have gone home, Executive Director Nicki Ross says that 80% of their regular volunteers are no longer able to pick up and deliver food.
The need to restock the agencies that Table to Table delivers to is great; the non-profit collects and distributes about 40,000 pounds of food weekly.
Community members who do not fall into high-risk groups for Covid-19, have not traveled recently or come into contact with individuals infected with the virus, and who are feeling well and Covid-19 symptom-free are encouraged to lend a hand with food rescue route volunteering. To volunteer, contact T2T at or call (319) 337-3400.