Coralville company begins mass production of COVID-19 testing materials


A Coralville company has begun mass distribution of COVID-19 testing materials.

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) has announced it has successfully manufactured a key component used to enable testing of millions of Americans for COVID-19.

IDT’s key component is a primer and probe kit, which assists in DNA analysis of patient samples.
As of March 9th, IDT had shipped over 1 million tests to be conducted pursuant to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) testing protocol, with another 2.5 million shipped last week. IDT also expects to manufacture 5 million tests per week starting this week and going forward.

IDT’s recent history includes providing products to diagnostic test manufacturers developing test for H1N1, Ebola virus, and Zika virus.

More information about IDT’s efforts to fight against COVID-19 can be found at