Special Olympics event in IC canceled


Special Olympics of Iowa has canceled the Mid-Winter Tournament scheduled for this Friday and Saturday in Iowa City due to recent cases of coronavirus discovered in Johnson County.

Organizers were coordinating with Special Olympics Incorporated, Special Olympics North America, the Iowa Department of Health and various health professionals to assure that they could proceed safely with the tournament; however, with the confirmed cases announced, and more expected in the coming days, the decision was made to cancel.

In an e-mail to those volunteering for the event, it’s explained that that they serve a population where many are at a heightened risk, due to age, compromised immune systems, and/or medical fragility. Additionally, competitors come from all parts of the state and with news about confirmed and suspected cases, organizers believed it wasn’t prudent to proceed with the tournament.

The email ends, “While a very difficult message to have to deliver to our athletes and families, we ask that you notify all members of your delegation of the cancellation and share our message that this decision was made with their health and safety at the forefront.”