Cross Park Place resident arrested after fight, alleged threats against police


A Cross Park Place resident with a history of fighting and threatening police was arrested for the same offenses Tuesday morning.

According to arrest records, 51-year-old Scott Colebank was harassing other tenants outside the Cross Park Avenue facility just after 9:15am. That led to a fight where Colebank was punched in the mouth, causing injuries to his mouth and head. Police say Colebank continued yelling at the man, telling him he had just signed his “death warrant”.

Colebank showed multiple signs of intoxication. He refused medical attention and was arrested for Public Intoxication.

Colebank was initially taken to the Johnson County Jail, where officers say he was belligerent and took a fighting stance. He was then taken to Mercy Hospital for treatment of his injuries.

Once at Mercy, Colebank allegedly made verbal threats of violence toward officers, including threatening to kick one officer’s teeth in. He also allegedly used multiple racial slurs. Police say Colebank also spit blood on the walls of the room where he was being treated.

Colebank was additionally charged with 2nd Degree Harassment and Disorderly Conduct. If convicted on all charges, he faces a maximum of 14 months in jail.

Colebank has previous convictions after fights with other panhandlers at the corner of Riverside Drive and Highway 6. Last year Colebank was arrested at Mercy for threatening to fight officers and going into detail on how he was going to shoot the arresting officer in the head and cut him into pieces so his body wouldn’t be found. He was also arrested for violent outbursts at the Riverside Drive McDonald’s and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.