IC Police Chief announces retirement


Iowa City’s police chief has announced his retirement, citing unspecified health concerns.

A release from the city explains that Chief Jody Matherly became Iowa City’s police chief just over three years ago, after serving as police chief in Altoona and Grinnell. He also served with the Flint, Michigan Police Department, working his way up to lieutenant.

Matherly was instrumental in creating a new mission statement for the Department, emphasizing community partnerships and the empowerment of victims.

The release goes on to praise Matherly’s tireless leadership, which has enabled the Police Department to be viewed not just as a law enforcement agency, but rather a problem-solving team that can help those most in need with access to housing, mental health resources, and other critical-care services.

Matherly said, “Over the past couple years, I have experienced some health concerns which prompted me to reflect on what the future holds. I decided that while my well-being and the police department are both in a good place, now is the perfect time to transition to the next chapter.”

Matherly will continue to fulfill his duties until an official retirement date has been determined. Details on the recruitment process for Matherly’s replacement will be revealed later in the month.