CR man allegedly caught going 96 mph before OWI arrest


A Cedar Rapids man accused of operating under the influence was reportedly going 96 miles an hour on Route 80 early Sunday before his arrest.

According to police, a state trooper was headed eastbound near the Coralville exit when he noticed a vehicle coming up on him very rapidly. A check of his rear-facing radar clocked the vehicle at 96 in a 65 miles per hour zone.

A traffic stop was conducted on the driver, identified as 21-year-old Nicholas Wilson-White of Gordon Avenue Northwest. He allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes and the odor of ingested alcohol upon contact. Wilson-White reportedly admitted to drinking both mixed drinks and beer earlier, and when given a Datamaster test, showed a blood-alcohol content of .149.

Wilson-White was taken into custody and charged with first offense OWI, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail sentence of up to one year if convicted.