Chicago man arrested after threatening woman over money owed

A Chicago man has been taken into custody after making several threats against a woman who allegedly owes him money.

According to police, William Tanksley of West Monroe Street in Chicago was in a verbal argument with the woman over the money Monday night around 11:30. She told authorities that they were driving in a car together back to her residence when the argument escalated, and Tanksley threatened to hit her in the head with a hammer.

Once back at the residence on Clearwater Court in Iowa City, the argument continued, with Tanksley allegedly saying he would get someone to shoot up the house if she didn’t pay him back. The woman called 911 and told dispatch that Tanksley would hire someone to, quote, “beat me ass.”

The woman stated that the only argument she and Tanksley had was over money, and he eventually agreed to leave after she asked him to.

Tanksley was taken into custody and charged with 2nd degree Harassment, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail sentence of up to one year. A no contact order was requested between the two.