Fighting with police on the way he was parked led to the arrest of a North Liberty man on OWI charges.
Police observed 45-year-old Christopher Wright’s vehicle parked inappropriately in a manner causing a potential traffic danger near Kansas Avenue and St. Andrews Drive Sunday at approximately 6:30pm.
Upon contact with police, Wright, of South Park Ridge Road, allegedly argued with the officer, claiming he was parked correctly. He smelled strongly of ingested alcohol and was very argumentative, according to the officer. Wright also admitted to recent alcohol consumption after the officer observed a glass cup in the center console containing Peppermint Schnapps.
Wright blew a .194 on a PBT and a .169 at the Coralville PD on a Datamaster.
He was taken into custody and charged with first offense OWI and open container. He could be sentenced to a year in jail if convicted.