A Skokie Illinois man has been taken into custody for a February incident in which he’s accused of molesting a 9-year-old boy.
According to police, the boy was taking Hebrew lessons from 29-year-old David Weltman at the Hillel House on East Market Street earlier this year. The boy reported that during a lesson, Weltman picked him up and carried him into another room, where he allegedly proceeded to put his hands inside the boy’s pants, touching his genitals inside his underwear.
Investigators interviewed an ex-acquaintence of Weltman’s, who said he opened up to them and admitted he was attracted to 7-to-12-year-old boys. Weltman allegedly said he hadn’t acted on the impulse, but admitted to watching foreign films with nude children and masturbating to them.
Both the victim and the boy’s parents requested a no contact order with Weltman.
A warrant was issued, and Weltman was arrested Thursday afternoon. He was charged with second degree sexual abuse. He could be sentenced to a maximum of 25 years in prison if convicted.