UI student arrested after walking into fight while asking for a light


Walking into the middle of a fight to ask about borrowing a lighter may not have been the best choice for a University of Iowa student.

According to arrest records, Iowa City Police were trying to sort out a fight on the Ped Mall around 2am on September 1st when 23-year-old Riley Biel of Fairchild Street allegedly wandered into the middle of the incident and started asking the participants if he could borrow a lighter. Officers instructed Biel to leave, but he allegedly took two steps and took a position behind the officer. Police say Biel showed multiple signs of intoxication. He was arrested for Public Intoxication.

During the handcuffing process, Biel allegedly pulled away and refused to put his hands behind his back. He was then directed to the ground, where he allegedly continued resisting. He was eventually handcuffed and now faces an additional charge of Interference with Official Acts.

He was fined $315.