County Supervisors being asked to keep Center for Worker Justice open
The Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa says without a financial bailout they may have to close their doors in the next few months.
They have asked the Johnson County Board of Supervisors for a $70,000 grant to stay afloat.
A report from KCRG TV indicates that the groups financial woes stem from a jump in expenses from about $166,000 in 2016 to nearly $240,000 in 2017, putting them in a financial bind.
The tax records for the Center shows the majority of expenses related to salaries, other compensation and benefits. Executive Director Rafael Morataya calls cutting staff “out of the question” and went to the county supervisors for help.
The non-profit helps low-wage workers of all kinds, and focuses on helping immigrants with work issues.
TV9 reports that at three supervisors have already indicated they would approve the funding, and hope to put the debate and vote on their agenda as early as this week. The money would be appropriated from the Public Health portion of the county budget.