IMU to stop 24-hour access starting this fall

IMU to stop 24 hour access starting this fall

Budget concerns and under-use of the facility are being cited as reasons why the Iowa Memorial Union will no longer be available to students 24/7.

UI Student Government approved the operating budget for fiscal year 2020 this week. The group decided that the $13,000 paid for a staffer to man the IMU in the overnight hours wasn’t warranted.

The Daily Iowan reports that Finance Director Adam Burghduff cited data indicating that less than five people utilized the facility between midnight and 7am, and spiked to 25 to 50 during finals week. They felt it wasn’t enough to warrant continued late-night access.

The group said the changes will go into effect this fall, and the facility will likely close at 11pm or Midnight. They agreed to fund overnight staffing for the week before and the week of finals and to keep the IMU open past midnight for special events held there.

Also in the budget were salary cuts for the UISG president, vice president and other executives in order to add four new positions on the communications team.