IC man arrested for assault on pregnant girlfriend

IC man arrested for assault on pregnant girlfriend

An Iowa City man is looking at up to three years in prison for allegedly assaulting his pregnant girlfriend.

Arrest reports indicate that 25-year-old Elijah Rocquemore and the woman were both on scene when officers were called to their residence in the 2200 block of Muscatine Avenue. The woman called 911 to report that Rocquemore was putting hands on her, trying to take her phone away from her, and keeping her from leaving while saying that he would have to be taken to jail.

The woman told authorities that Rocquemore grabbed her and hit her head against the wall; he claimed that he was trying to take her phone so that he could call for a ride to work. He alleges that he came at the victim to “wrap her up.” When asked about how the woman hit her head on the wall, Rocquemore alleges that she suffered the injury trying to hurt him, and her other injuries were also self-inflicted.

Police observed that cuts and scratches on Rocquemore’s chest were consistent with someone trying to get away from him.

The woman is pregnant with their child, and her biological son was also present during the alleged incident.

Rocquemore was arrested and charged with domestic abuse assault causing injury and child endangerment. A no-contact order was also ordered.