IC man arrested for alleged brutal assault on wife

IC man arrested for alleged brutal assault on wife

An Iowa City man was booked into the Johnson County Jail Sunday after he allegedly assaulted his wife of ten years with a hammer.

The woman alleges that Thomas Huber of the 1100 block of Saint Clements Street began the assault at about 1am Saturday, punching her numerous times in several locations on her body. He also used a hammer on her. She says she screamed for help several times, but when she did, Huber would cover her face with a pillow and put his knee and hand over her mouth. He used another hand to apply pressure to her throat causing her to not be able to breathe. Huber also allegedly took the woman’s cellphone.

When the woman would attempt to leave, Huber would pull her back into the residence and throw her around. He allegedly said that he was going to kill her and threatened to make her watch as he killed members of her family. She finally was able to leave after 12 hours of assault and went to a friend’s residence.

On Sunday morning, she was walking to the Waterfront Drive HyVee when Huber, who was out looking for her, made contact with her. He told her several times to get in the car with him, but she refused and told him to leave her alone. Huber then allegedly got out of the car and tried to take the woman’s purse. She told police she was terrified and walked to the store as Huber followed her. She went into HyVee and asked for help.

The officer who arrived noted the woman’s injuries. They include a bruised and swollen right knee from being hit with the hammer, a black and blue eye, and abrasions on her back, neck, arms and legs.

During a subsequent interview with Huber at his residence, he admitted to having contact with her about an hour before, seeing her walking on Stevens drive and pulled alongside her. He claimed to have only telling her to come home because she was drunk.

Huber, who has been convicted of domestic abuse assault in 2000 and again in 2017, was arrested on a host of charges. They include False Imprisonment, two counts of First Degree Harassment, Willful Injury causing bodily injury, first offense Stalking, Obstruction of Emergency Communications, False Imprisonment,  Domestic Abuse Assault Impeding Airflow, Domestic Abuse Assault 3rd of Subsequent Offense, and violation of a no contact order that was issued in November of 2017.

If convicted on all charges, Huber could be sentenced to twenty years in prison.