UI students respond to university campaign with ‘doesUIowaloveme’ Twitter hashtag

Hundreds of responses flood social media with frustrations, fears while on campus
KCJJ Staff

University of Iowa students have responded to a university Twitter campaign to explain why they love the university by asking the question, “Does the UI love me?”

The hashtag doesUIowaloveme has resulted in hundreds of responses since it was created in the last 24 hours, with students expressing doubts about how much university officials care about the students.

Frustrations and fear have been expressed from LGBTQ students to international students to those claiming their free speech has been hindered.

UI officials initially responded on Monday night about nine hours after the hashtag was initially created with a Twitter statement saying they are “strongly committed to an equitable and inclusive campus.” They also defended free speech on campus, saying “some of the views expressed through free speech can be offensive to members of our community.”

UI President Bruce Harreld and vice president for student life Melissa Shivers released another Twitter statement on Tuesday saying they respect the students communicating their “frustrations and experiences” on campus and are “committed to hearing their concerns and improving our campus climate.”