UI reaches settlement with tenured professor under investigation


A tenured associate professor at the University of Iowa’s Department of Health and Human Physiology has agreed to resign in lieu of termination as part of a settlement reached over the weekend.

The Gazette reports by signing a settlement agreement with the UI, the state Attorney General’s Office and the Board of Regents, professor Thorsten Rudroff resigned Sunday, six years after he started as an assistant professor in the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Department of Health and Human Physiology in 2018.

In exchange for his resignation, the University agreed to suspend an internal investigation with Rudroff as long as he relinquished his tenure rights and agreed to never contact the three graduate students who reportedly brought the complaint against him by any means. He also agreed not to sue the university, the complainants, or anyone associated with them, nor seek or accept future employment at the University of Iowa.

Rudroff also received a $15,000 settlement, which the Gazette reports included just under $9100 payable to Kennedy Law Firm for legal fees and the remainder going to Rudroff, subject to payroll adjustments.

Rudroff earned his masters and doctorate in Germany and worked at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Colorado State University before coming to the University of Iowa. Among his research specialties is use of medical marijuana.